You can find our Chapman’s zebra over in the African savannah along with our wildebeests and nyala antelopes.
A subspecies of the plains zebra, Chapman’s zebras are native to savannah habitats across southern Africa.
They spend most of their day grazing on grass, but will occasionally eat berries and other plants to increase their protein intake.
Interesting facts!
- There are 3 species of zebra, the Plains Zebra (of which Chapman’s Zebra is one), the Mountain Zebra and Grevy’s Zebra.
- Zebra families will often join up with other zebra, wildebeest and antelope to form ‘super-herds’ during a constant migration, where they travel thousands of miles in search of fresh green pastures.
- Their stripes are like fingerprints, each pattern is individual to the zebra, no two patterns are alike.
While not considered a threatened species, Chapman’s zebras are extinct in Burundi and Lesotho. Total numbers have declined approximately 25% in recent years due to human activities including farming, hunting, poaching, and droughts exacerbated by climate change. Captive zebra herds zoos help to maintain a healthy breeding population.