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Booking a home educator visit

Thank you for your interest in visiting Paignton Zoo.  As a home educator, you will be able to visit at the discounted education entry rates subject to the following:

  • Your child is 5-18 years of age
  • Your visit is during usual school hours; Monday to Friday, term-time with entry between 10am and 3pm
  • A maximum of 1 adult per child 5-18 years
  • You will be required to make payment on arrival, by card or in cash

For our education visit terms and conditions, please visit Wild Learning Terms & Conditions – Newquay Zoo

Please note, you will be required to pay standard day entry rates for:

  • Any child who is 3 or 4 years of age, falling below the compulsory school age of 5 years
  • Any additional adults over the maximum of 1 adult per child 5-18 years

    Visit Information

    What date will you be visiting on?

    How many children will be attending?


    Please let us know which key stage(s) your children are in, and how many are in each key stage:


    Under 3:
    Early Years Foundation Stage (3 – 5 years old):
    Key Stage 1 (6 – 7 years old):
    Key Stage 2 (8 – 11 years old):
    Key Stage 3 (12 – 14 years old):
    Key Stage 4 (15 – 16 years old):
    Post-16 (17 – 18 years old):


    How many adults will be attending?


    Your Details
    Your name:
    Your email address:
    Your phone number:
    Your home address:
    Your postcode:


    Once we have received your booking form, we will contact you to confirm your booking. Submitting the form does not guarantee that your booking has been made.