Booking a home educator visit
Thank you for your interest in visiting Paignton Zoo. As a home educator, you will be able to visit at the discounted education entry rates subject to the following:
- Your child is 5-18 years of age
- Your visit is during usual school hours; Monday to Friday, term-time with entry between 10am and 3pm
- A maximum of 1 adult per child 5-18 years
- You will be required to make payment on arrival, by card or in cash
For our education visit terms and conditions, please visit Wild Learning Terms & Conditions – Newquay Zoo
Please note, you will be required to pay standard day entry rates for:
- Any child who is 3 or 4 years of age, falling below the compulsory school age of 5 years
- Any additional adults over the maximum of 1 adult per child 5-18 years