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Nursery and Preschool visit booking form

Nursery and Preschool groups are eligible to visit under our reduced education rates, as long as visits are booked with us in advance.

Please click here for our education visit terms and conditions.

    Visit Information
    What is the name of your nursery or preschool?

    When would you like to visit?

    What time will your group arrive?
    What time will your group depart?

    How many children will be attending? :
    Of these, how many children are aged under 3 years old?


    Learners aged 3 to 5 years old will have an entitlement to a free adult ratio of 1 adult for every 2 children, or part thereof. Children aged under 3 enter free of charge and so are not entitled to a free adult ratio.
    If your learners are aged over 5, then you should instead complete our Schools Visit booking form.


    How many adults will be attending?


    Organisation Details
    Booking contact email:
    Phone number:
    Postal address:
    Finance email address (for invoicing):
    Purchase order number (if required):


    Please let us know the name and contact number for the lead teacher who will be in attendance onsite for the visit. We will not use this information for anything other than contact (such as in an emergency involving your learners), pass it on to any third parties, or retain it for any longer than is necessary.

    Lead teacher name:
    Lead teacher contact mobile number:


    Once we have received your booking form, we will be in contact with you to confirm the arrangements for your booking. Submitting the form does not guarantee that your booking has been made.


    You can opt-out of receiving communications from us, or change your preferences, by contacting us at any time. We will never sell your personal information, and we will never share your data with third parties for marketing purposes. For further details of our Privacy Policy, please visit our website.