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    This form is to be completed by those who have already booked their places on Wild Days 2024, and completing and submitting this form does not constitute making a booking.

    Child Information

    Parent / Guardian information

    Second emergency contact information

    Health and medical information
    Does your child have any of the following?

    If yes to any of the above, or anything else we should know about, please provide further information below, detailing any support or action required

    A member of Newquay Zoo staff may contact you, if necessary, for further information and to help understand your child’s needs more clearly.


    I give permission for a member of Zoo staff to undertake First Aid treatment as required.

    I give permission for a member of Zoo staff to consent to emergency medical treatment should the need arise.

    You can opt-out of receiving communications from us, or change your preferences,
    by contacting us at any time. We will never sell your personal information, and we
    will never share your data with third parties for marketing purposes. For further
    details of our Privacy Policy, please visit our website.