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Talk Times

Discover more about some of the amazing species living at Newquay Zoo in our talks and fun, free interactive activities.

The below talks and activities run 7 days a week!


Rainforest Ramble

Guided ranger walk & talk

Tropical House

(number 43 on the map)

230502 NZ Hoffmans Sloth CC LR 09
240115 NZ Meerkat HR AS 6


Ranger talk & feeding time


(number 28 on the map)


Ranger talk & activity

Daily special

(Check notice board or listen out for tannoy announcement)

230427 NZ Ranger Talk Emma HR ONB 01
240628 NZ Capybara and Brazilian tapir HR Miriam Haas 1


Ranger talk & feeding time

Tapir & Capybara

(Number 22 on the map)

Listen out for the tannoy announcements and look out for our rangers around the zoo at other times

*Activities may change depending on weather conditions – confirm with ranger or at reception on the day of your visit